26 June 2018, Buergertreff Altona Nord, Hamburg: 19 days after a first productive Lab Night, the Hamburg team organised a second one. This time, the night took place in the Northern part of Altona instead of the so-called Gerichtsviertel. Our local team wanted to spread the discussion evenly and try to involve the whole district: it worked!
The main objective of the night was to focus on concepts and set a clear location, responsible institution/stakeholder and time frame for each, building on the first Lab Night and leading towards the Hackday (an event to select 10 concepts and narrow down the list of possible solutions to be prototyped). A shortlist emerged from the second Lab Night, notably:
- Setting a speed limit of 30kn/h in the Harkortstraße
- Reducing traffic (and traffic noise) on the cobble-stone Eimsbütteler Street
- Converting parking slots in smaller streets into spaces with different functions
- Improving accessibility, especially to the Altona Station
- Increasing the amount of parking spaces for bikes in streets like the Ottenser Hauptstraße and the Friedensalle/Bahrenfelder Straße
- Modifying the infrastructure to reduce traffic.
The concepts the participants managed to ideate have the potential to respond to multiple challenges at one, meaning that the realisation of one of them would have widespread effects and would not only affect one aspect of mobility. During the Hackday, participants will have the chance to reflect in more detail on these and additional concepts and shed light on possible interventions for Altona. We look forward to knowing the outcomes!