In Budapest, the car-free weekend of the European Mobility Week, 21-22 September 2019, provided a very good opportunity to hold an open-door QHS workshop. The Presentation Day and Hack Day took place earlier in the same week, and now it was the time to set up two offline voting boards for local citizens, representatives of the academia, and members of the industry to discuss and select the most appealing solutions for the scale up.
The QHS workshop took place on Saturday and on Sunday and was an all-day event. A tent dedicated to the Cities-4-People project was set up and hosted several co-creation sessions focusing on the scale-up decisions and plan for 2020.
Citizens were very eager to participate and even young children were willing to let their opinion be heard. Many families with young kids contributed with their ideas to the discussion with members of the C4P project team.
Two posters were prepared and small red stickers were available for citizens to mark their preferred locations and mobility solutions for the scale-up. Pictograms of location options were useful to help understand and visualize the various concepts.
The QHS event was very succesful, with close to 700 votes for the preferrred mobility point locations. The top potential scale-up areas will be presented in the forthcoming prototyping workshop to select the final locations. Afterwards, implementation plans will be developed with the help of key mobility experts.
Our local team has received positive feedback on site for all three interventions that were piloted during the first iteration round (Mobility Point, Bicycle friendly pilot, Buda walking path). The event was again the occasion for the project team to see how much co-creation was needed and appreciated by citizens and all other local stakeholders’ groups.