Last semester, we have not simply organised events and co-created concepts that can help solve some of the most urgent mobility challenges in our five pilot areas. We have also written quite some pages in order to document all what we have been doing. We would like that this experience continues after the project ends, but for this to happen, we need to be able to share with others what worked and what did not. At the end of the project we will prepare a Deployment Toolkit and Replication Guide with clear indications and resources to reproduce some of our successful interventions in other neighbourhoods and cities of Europe. Before then, we are keeping track of what happens through reports. Some of them are available on our website and you can read them online or download them for when you have some spare time. Lately, we have added four documents, notably:
- 3 Co-definition of mobility challenges and intervention areas – D1.3 presents the results of the co-creation workshops that were organised by the pilots to define the main mobility challenges and possible intervention areas
- 4 Launch of the C4P Citizen Mobility Labs – D2.4 offers an overview of the progress made towards the creation and launch of Citizen Mobility Labs in the five pilot areas
- 3 Practical concepts for the Cities-4-People pilot areas – D3.3 summarises the activities that were performed in the Cities-4-People Mobility Labs between April and July 2018 and highlights the ideas and concepts that were developed in this initial timeframe
- 1 Cities-4-People Toolkit of COS methodology and metrics – D5.1 documents the open process followed to co-develop a common Core Outcome Set (COS) of definitions, measures/indicators as well as a methodology to guide People-Oriented Transport & Mobility (POTM) impact assessment.
You can find them all here. If you want to start the new year with fresh ideas for your city or learn more about methodologies, give them a go!