The 6.10 deliverable is a demonstrator, presenting the second round of the Cities-4-People (C4P) Deployment Toolkit & Replication Guide. The Deployment toolkit and replication guide is a rounded resource, offering distinct and valuable insights and tools that inform and demonstrate how to replicate the project in other settings. The Toolkit & Replication guide encompasses an
This report (Deliverable 5.2) describes the co-creation of an open process for developing a Core-Outcome-Set (hereafter COS) of indicators for Cities-4-People project (hereafter: C4P). A novel feature of the process is that we sought to find out what mattered to people in the context of their lived experience of transport and mobility options in their
This document serves as a ‘Demonstrator’ of the prototyping activities undertaken in Cities-4-People pilot cities during phase 2 of the project. During this prototyping stage, pilot partners developed their strategies to improve and expand the selected pilot interventions from phase 1 of the project. You can download the document here.
This report gives an account of the activities and especially the process of each of the five Cities-4-People pilot cities leading to the selection and further participative development of a concept to be implemented as a scale-up intervention in the second implementation round that is to take place between January and March 2020. You can
This Deliverable 3.4 summarizes the activities and generated concepts of the Cities-4-People Mobility Labs of the five partner cities [Budapest, Hamburg, Oxfordshire, Trikala, and Üsküdar (Istanbul)] that were developed between August and September 2019. It focuses on one activity, the Hackday, which targets to generate concepts to scale-up successfully implemented pilots of round one. You
The Toolkit & Replication guide entails both a project overall blueprint from project launch until the first round of pilot interventions, as well as an initial set of policy recommendations based on the pilots’ project learnings. You can download the document here.
D3.7 describes the approach, process, and events involved with moving from the concepts identified in the Citizen Mobility Communities to their prototypes in preparation to the actual piloting phase. You can download the document here. This report should be taken together with the e-booklet “Co-creative prototyping: Development of practical interventions and prototypes in Cities-4-People”.
This booklet offers an overview of the prototyping process followed in the five project pilot areas and describes the outcomes, that is three prototypes for pilot area, as inspirational case studies. You can download the document here.