This page contains tools and resources that can be used to start co-creatively tackling challenges in your own neighborhood: Communication and Voting Tools; Resources for ‘People-Oriented Transport and Mobility’; Educational and Inspirational Materials; and Guides and Best Practices.
Communication and Voting Tools
This list of tools provides ways to keep track of your community’s needs, know which problems are most commonly identified in your neighborhood, gather concepts and solutions, and hold votes on which solutions your community likes best.
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- Loomio
Loomio is an online deliberation platform that supports: Proposals, Scheduling (Time Poll), Poll and Prioritise, Can make decisions via Skype - Consul
Consul allows users to participate in: Debates, Proposals, Participatory Budgeting, Voting, Collaborative Deliberation - Agora
Agora is an online elections tool - Adhocracy
Liqd is a collaborative decision-making platform that supports: Brainstorming/Consultation, Map-based processes, Survey, Text Review, Agenda Setting, Participatory Budgeting - D-CENT
D-CENT is a collaborative decision-making platform that supports: Propose and draft, Notifications system, Decide and vote, federated architecture, choose and combine the tools you need for your democratic process - Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere transforms one-sided presentations into two-way conversations with the audience. This web-based audience response system lets you embed interactive activities directly into your presentation. The audience responds on the web or via SMS texting on their phones. - JD eSurvey
Open source survey tool - LimeSurvey
Open source survey tool - SurveyProject
Open source survey tool - Rocket Chat
Open Source Team Communication (similar to Slack)
Resources for ‘People-Oriented Transport and Mobility’
These are tools and resources that can be used alongside your community to develop your own local mobility solutions. Examples include local mapping tools, surveys, and technical kits to help identify and tackle the needs of your neighborhood.
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- Street Mobility Project Toolkit
This document contains a number of tools we have developed so that local government and local communities can assess community severance in their area. The entire Toolkit, including case studies and additional information about the project, can be downloaded here as a single document: Street Mobility Project Toolkit (pdf) - Health and Neighbourhood Mobility survey questionnaire
Questionnaire - User guide for analysing the health and neighbourhood mobility survey
The following User Guide shows examples of how you can analyse the data from the Health and Neighbourhood Mobility Survey using pivot tables and charts in Microsoft Excel. This is not the only way to analyse the data, but it is simple and quick, so learning how to use pivot tables will probably save you time. - Creating Impact Canvas
A one-page inquiry-based collaborative exercise to design impact creation measures throughout the different stages of a learning mobility project. The tool was created inspired by different business and HRD canvas models in the context of an international training course targeting project managers and coordinators with the European Voluntary Service. - Maptionnaire
Maptionnaire is a powerful mapping tool which makes community engagement effective and effortless. - Google Maps Area Calculator
Use the Google Maps Area Calculator Tool to draw an area on a map and find out the measurement of the enclosed area. You are also able to save your areas for use later on - Smart Citizen Kit
Launch a crowd sensing initiative in your neighborhood. Use Smart Citizen to create local maps of noise and air quality; use it to raise awareness and find solutions for issues that matter to your community - CIVITAS Urban Mobility Tool Inventory
Browse through an online database of over 100 tools and methods that can help you make informed decisions about local urban planning and play around with the apps and games available to build scenarios and select measures. - Blueprints
A visualization tool adopted in design and organizational fields to describe detailed plans and structures, displaying both digital and physical elements and how they interlink with one another. Check out how blueprints are being used to both demonstrate and plan how a whole project evolves. - Policy Recommendations
Guides and Best Practices
These are guidelines and recommendations for the practical questions surrounding POTM, giving advice on how to involve stakeholders, how to hold a survey, how to develop a marketing strategy, and more.
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- Involving Stakeholders: Toolkit on Organising Successful Consultations
This toolkit has been written primarily for those working in local mobility departments within the CIVITAS network, but can be useful to anyone interested in achieving sustainable urban mobility. It is aimed at those who are involved in planning and implementing transport measures and explains how stakeholder engagement can be achieved and how it can help them in their work. This stakeholder consultation toolkit provides guidelines, tips and checklists to help you with the planning and execution of a range of consultation activities. - Guidelines for Implementers of Neighbourhood Accessibility Planning
The concept of Neighbourhood Accessibility Planning (NAP) aims at improving local conditions for walking and cycling as well as facilitating safe access to local facilities (e.g. schools, shops) and public transport services. A priority list of actions is drafted to enhance the accessibility on a neighbourhood scale. The special needs of more vulnerable groups such as the disabled, older people and children are particularly taken into account. Despite its high relevance and potential to not only improve daily mobility but also social interaction in a neighbourhood, the concept is still the exception in Europe. - Developing and Implementing Mobility Solutions on a Neighbourhood Scale
This short document discusses the considerations that go into a sustainable urban mobility project in the context of Sunrise. - How to do a survey – A guide for local authorities, voluntary organisations and community groups
A guide for local authorities, voluntary organisations and community groups on how to conduct a survey (particularly devloped for mobility-related surveys). - CIVITAS Communications and Marketing Toolkit
The Communications and Marketing Toolkit provides guidelines on communicating with citizens about sustainable urban mobility options. Reaching citizens effectively requires specific approaches. Communicating directly and indirectly with them through various means helps ensure the success of sustainable urban measures, while demonstrating transparency and willingness to engage citizens in dialogue and involve them. This in turn can help public authorities achieve more effective policy and progress. The information and advice contained in this toolkit is designed to assist local, regional and national authorities with various communication considerations. - Tactical Urbanist’s Guide
This website is intended to serve as a hub of information about Tactical Urbanism, focusing on the information from the Tactical Urbanist’s Guide to Materials and Design, and highlighting additional resources by Street Plans and other partners. - Framework for District-level Smart Mobility Planning
Deliverable from the MUV project, discussing how sustainable urban mobility plans were developed at the neighbourhood level - CIVITAS Guide for the Urban Transport Professional
Crucial to SUMP development and implementation is the systematic and judicious selection of SUMP measures and knowledge of how to combine them effectively. A series of manuals produced as part of the project focus on this vital topic. Three different city profiles are covered, with each having a different level of experience and expertise in the development of mobility policies and measures.

Educational and Inspirational Materials
This list includes resources for learning more about mobility, urban planning, co-creation, and interventions. It includes guidebooks and case studies to give you the knowledge and inspiration to get started making a difference in the way your own neighborhood moves.
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- City Bikers and the Politics of Urban Space
How do cyclists claim more space in cities? This video lists three examples of how local and activist initiatives became slowly adopted by public authorities. Through these initiatives, citizens are actively taking part in shaping mobility in their neighbourhoods. For some cities, this became part of their branding and tourism. The video is taken from the course ‘Co-creating cities’ by the Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan Studies (AMS) and Wageningen University. - Co-Creating: The Basics
Are you new to the concept of co-creation? This 7-page document sums up all you need to know about co-creating cities. The document was delivered by Leading Cities and the World Class Cities Partnership. It deals specifically with the question how co-creation can be used in the public sector. - Hands-on-Bristol
A collaboration between the Bristol School of Architecture, University of the West of England and the Bristol community, that seeks to encourage and strengthen knowledge exchange between education programmes and local communities through collaboration in live projects. - Next Hamburg
Nexthamburg is Hamburg’s open city laboratory. We give the ideas of the many a stage, put provocative future theses and scenarios for discussion and look behind data and facts . In this way, we want to inspire urban development – as a source of inspiration and an independent, open debate platform. - 100 Resilient Cities
This site provides overviews of city initiatives undertaken as part of 100 Resilient Cities. “100 Resilient Cities—Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation (100RC) is dedicated to helping cities around the world become more resilient to the physical, social and economic challenges that are a growing part of the 21st century.” - OLLI
Denmark’s first self-driving bus - Drive Sweden
Telecommunications company Ericsson has partnered with local Swedish public transportation and technology providers to conduct a six-month trial of two electric self-driving shuttle buses on public Stockholm roads. - Aeolian Ride
Aeolian Ride, is an international art event where the public becomes inflated sculpture on bicycles, transforming the landscape of each city. The effect is a sort of joy loop: those riding feel the elation of being a child at play, dazzling bystanders who become giddy, returning joy to the riders. - Kids as Planners in de Pijp (Amsterdam)
A short documentary on children who campaigned to have a play street in their busy neighborhood. - SUNRISE Webinars
A set of webinars discussing neighborhood mobility solutions, co-creation, and more. - Glossary of Shared Terms (in Sustainable Urban Mobility Projects)
Definitions of commonly-used terms in co-creative urban mobility projects. - Metamorphosis Case Studies
A series of case studies relating to co-creation, mobility solutions, youth-friendly development, and more. - Metamorphosis Source Materials
A set of informational materials, as curated by the Metamorphosis project, providing information on urban design and youth-friendly mobility. - Metamorphosis Links
A set of links to project websites, brochures, articles, and more related to sustainable urban mobility and youth-friendly design