Scaling-up in Trikala will focus on the provision of electric wheelchair scooters for people with disabilities. The service introduced during the first round of pilots will be now further improved and expanded. To do so, during the prototyping event, our team in Trikala aimed to point out and successfully resolve potential risks or obstacles that could be part of these new developments and to gather suggestions on additional features that could maximize the benefits of this intervention.
The prototyping event took place on 4 October 2019 at the e-Trikala headquarters and was organized as a workshop.
The event was kicked off with a warm-up activity, during which participants were asked to use one word to describe their mobility patterns in the city. This first activity was followed by a session, consisting of the “iteration dice” and “reverse brainstorming” exercises. These exercises served to gather new ideas for the scale up of the provision of mobility scooters based on the experience of citizens participating in the first round of the pilot. These ideas were then evaluated in terms of added value, feasibility and cost.
As a result, the event produced concrete proposals that our local team can now build upon to improve the use of the available scooters. During the event, it was suggested to provide two mobilized scooters that could be made available at the Central Square mobility point, with each serving a different function or set of functions. The suggested dedicated functions which may be part of a piloted sharing scheme include: 1. having two wheelchairs, one to be borrowed on a ‘short-term’ basis and the other on a ‘long-term’ basis (by investing in a larger battery); 2. and introducing a booking service for the wheelchairs.
Stay tuned for all updates!