Several things have happened in parallel in the past months. You may have read about our events and the concepts that were selected for piloting as a result. You may have read about our scientific engagement and contribution to various conferences and panels on mobility and participatory processes. Do you know we have also worked on developing our Citizen Mobility Kit further? it started out as a Co-Creation Navigator (nicknamed CCN): a subway map meant to guide users through the subtleties of co-creation, offering different methods and use instructions for every stage of a co-creative process, from ideation to implementation.
However, we had promised to develop something different, something customised and unique for each Citizen Mobility Community. A toolkit providing resources, tools to co-create mobility solutions, but also space for input and data collection. So we have started creating something different than the CCN. No worries, though, the CCN remains accessible and its resources available, if you need them.
Of course, the makeover of the Citizen Mobility Kits is not complete yet: there is still much to be done, especially now that there will be more clarity about the type of interventions that will be carried out in the pilot areas. Nonetheless, you should check out the new Citizen Mobility Kit for the pilot area you care the most about and see what it entails. If you have feedback for us, get in touch with the person responsible for the pilot area and we will see if we can accommodate your wishes.